Pack content
1 x
SCOTT: 243-43DPaul Gauguin Painting Pairs with Gold Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 245-45DRubens Painting Pairs with Gold Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 247-47DPaintings of Horses
1 x
SCOTT: 247-47D IMP SPaintings of Horses Imperf with Paintings of Horses with Silver Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 248-48DPaintings by Raphael
1 x
SCOTT: 249-49DPaintings by Rembrandt
1 x
SCOTT: 249-49D IMPPaintings by Rembrandt Imperf with Silver Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 251-51EWinter Olympics Medalists with with Blue Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 251-51E IMPWinter Olympics Medalists Imperf
1 x
SCOTT: 252-52E IMP BMexican Art, Summer Olymics Imperf with Blue Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 252-52E IMP SMexican Art, Summer Olymics Imperf with Silver Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 253-53EOlympic Medals with Blue Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 253-53E IMPOlympic Medals Imperf
1 x
SCOTT: 254-54EWinter Olympic Hosts Perf with Blue Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 254-54E IMPWinter Olympic Hosts Imperf
1 x
SCOTT: 255-55ESummer Olympic Hosts
1 x
SCOTT: 255-55E IMPSummer Olympic Hosts Imperf
1 x
SCOTT: 255-55E BSummer Olympic Hosts with Blue Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 255-55E IMP BSummer Olympic Hosts Imperf with Blue Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 257-57E IMPLouvre Paintings, Mexico Olympiad Imperf
1 x
SCOTT: 257-57ELouvre Paintings, Mexico Olympiad Perf with Gold Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 257-57E IMP GLouvre Paintings, Mexico Olympiad Imperf with Gold Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 258-58E IMPFlorence Paintings, Olympiad Imperf
1 x
SCOTT: 258-58E SFlorence Paintings, Olympiad with Silver Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 258-58E IMP SFlorence Paintings, Olympiad Imperf with Silver Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 259-59E IMPPrado Paintings, Olympiad Imperf
1 x
SCOTT: 259-59E BRZPrado Paintings, Olympiad with Bronze Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 259-59E IMP BRZPrado Paintings, Olympiad Imperf with Bronze Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 260-60FDiscoveries of the Universe Space Travel
1 x
SCOTT: 262-62FInternational Labor Organization
1 x
SCOTT: 263-63F IMPDiscoveries of the Universe Spacecraft Imperf with Green Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 265-65F IMPDiscoveries of the Universe Lunar Research Imperf with Orange Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 266-66E IMPWashington Paintings, Olympiad Imperf
1 x
SCOTT: 266-66E GLDWashington Paintings, Olympiad Perf with Gold Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 266-66E IMP GLDWashington Paintings, Olympiad Imperf with Gold Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 267-67E IMPLondon Paintings, Olympiad Imperf
1 x
SCOTT: 267-67E BRZLondon Paintings, Olympiad with Bronze Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 267-67E IMP BRZLondon Paintings, Olympiad Imperf with Bronze Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 269-69E IMPTutankhamun Imperf with Silver Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 270-70ETreasures of Siam
1 x
SCOTT: 270-70E IMP STreasures of Siam Imperf with Silver Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 271-71E IMP STreasues of Japan Imperf with Silver Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 272-72E GJapanese Puppets with Gold Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 272-72E IMPJapanese Puppets Imperf
1 x
SCOTT: 272-72E SJapanese Puppets with Silver Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 272-72E IMP SJapanese Puppets Imperf with Silver Frames
1 x
SCOTT: 304-04CFrench Olympic Medalists
1 x
SCOTT: 304-04C IMPFrench Olympic Medalists Imperf
1 x
SCOTT: 305-05FArt Treasures
1 x
SCOTT: 305-05F IMPArt Treasures Imperf with Bronze Frames
1 x
SCOTT: C33E-GGrenoble Winter Olympics
1 x
SCOTT: C33H-JKonrad Adenauer - Gold
1 x
SCOTT: C33H-J IMP SKonrad Adenauer - Imperf Silver
1 x
SCOTT: C33H-J OVPTKonrad Adenauer with Diagonal Overprint
1 x
SCOTT: C33K-MRed Cresent Organization
1 x
SCOTT: C33K-M IMP SRed Cresent Organization Imperf in Silver
1 x
SCOTT: C33N-P IMP SCosmonaut Komarov Imperf in Silver
1 x
SCOTT: C33T-VMexico City Olympics
1 x
SCOTT: C33T-V IMP SMexico City Olympics - Imperf Silver
1 x
SCOTT: C33W-YHuman Rights Declaration