YEAR SET: 2000-2003


Basic Year Sets as listed above.


Instead of $909.75

Pack content

1 x SCOTT: 1615 S/S

Expo 2000, Hanover Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 1616-17 M/S

Summit Heads, OPEC MiniSheet of 10

1 x SCOTT: 1618 M/S

Christmas MiniSheet of 10

1 x SCOTT: 1619

UPAEP - Millennium without Arms Pair

1 x SCOTT: 1620

Education Strip of 5

1 x SCOTT: 1621 M/S


1 x SCOTT: 1622 S/S

Orchid (Masevillia tovarensis) Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 1623 M/S

de Balaguer, Opus Dei MiniSheet of 10

1 x SCOTT: 1624 M/S

Carabobo Battle MiniSheet of 10

1 x SCOTT: 1625 M/S

Christmas MiniSheet of 10

1 x SCOTT: 1626 M/S

Navigation, Lighthouses MiniSheet of 10

1 x SCOTT: 1627 M/S

Guacaipuro Incorporation MiniSheet of 10

1 x SCOTT: 1628 M/S

Mission Robinson MiniSheet of 10

1 x SCOTT: 1629 M/S

FONDAFA MiniSheet of 10

1 x SCOTT: 1630 M/S

FONDUR - City Development MiniSheet of 10

1 x SCOTT: 1631 M/S

Transportation, FONTUR MiniSheet of 10

1 x SCOTT: 1632 M/S

Telecommunications, CONATEL MiniSheet of 10

Type: NH


Year: YS

Scott Catalogue: 2000-2003