1 x
SCOTT: 511.40F Bistre brown, violet
1 x
SCOTT: 55a10c Red Inverted Overprint
1 x
SCOTT: 64a45c on 10c Inverted Surcharge
1 x
SCOTT: 125A-BFautaua Valley, Marshall Petain
1 x
SCOTT: 125A-BFautaua Valley, Marshall Petain
1 x
SCOTT: 181 IMPFIDES Dry Dock Imperforate
1 x
SCOTT: 182-90 '5810c-20F Island Scene Definitives
1 x
SCOTT: 182-90 '5810c-20F Island Scene Definitives
1 x
SCOTT: 193-94 '605F,17F Island Scene Definitives
1 x
SCOTT: 193-94 '605F,17F Island Scene Definitives
1 x
SCOTT: 193-94 IMP5F,17F Island Scene Definitives Imperforate
1 x
SCOTT: 193-94Please see the listing Year 1958 above.
1 x
SCOTT: 198 IMPSouth Pacific Map Imperforate
1 x
SCOTT: 673-75 PR TABTahiti Pair with Central Tab