2582a,2839-48,2852-78,2883-2902, 2905-26,2929-57,2960-70,2972-91


Instead of $139.01

Pack content

1 x SCOTT: 2582a S/S '64

Lenin Birth Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 2839-41

Quiet Sun Year, Radar

1 x SCOTT: 2842

Poet Donalitius

1 x SCOTT: 2843-47

Winter Olympics

1 x SCOTT: 2848

Sculptor Golubkina

1 x SCOTT: 2852-58

Poet Shevchenko

1 x SCOTT: 2859-62B

Soviet Heroes

1 x SCOTT: 2863-64

Book Printing, Printer

1 x SCOTT: 2865-71

Winter Olympics Victories

1 x SCOTT: 2872-74

Chemical Industry, Tires

1 x SCOTT: 2875

Day of Militia

1 x SCOTT: 2876-78

Odessa, Sailor, Lighthouse

1 x SCOTT: 2883-89

Rocket Theory, Tsander

1 x SCOTT: 2890


1 x SCOTT: 2891

William Shakespeare

1 x SCOTT: 2892

Irrigation, Corn

1 x SCOTT: 2893

Commander Gamarnik

1 x SCOTT: 2894-96C

Poets, Composers, Writers

1 x SCOTT: 2897

Writer Gaidar, Ostrovsky

1 x SCOTT: 2898

Azerbaijan Joining Russia Surcharge

1 x SCOTT: 2899-02 '64

Liberation, German Occupation, Issued in 1964

1 x SCOTT: 2905-11

Moscow Zoo, Animals, Birds

1 x SCOTT: 2912

Leningrad Postal Service

1 x SCOTT: 2913-19

Vegetables, Crops

1 x SCOTT: 2920

French Communist Thorez

1 x SCOTT: 2921-26

Tokyo Olympic Games

1 x SCOTT: 2929

Three Races

1 x SCOTT: 2930

Nehru of India

1 x SCOTT: 2930A S/S PP

Conquest of Space Sheet on Plain Paper

1 x SCOTT: 2931-35

Communism, Marx, Workers

1 x SCOTT: 2936-38

Physicans, Public Health Service

1 x SCOTT: 2939

Italian Communist Togliatti

1 x SCOTT: 2940

Letter Writing Week, Globe

1 x SCOTT: 2942

German Democratic Republic, Ship

1 x SCOTT: 2943

Tadzhik Republic, Overprinted

1 x SCOTT: 2944-46

Socialist Republics, Families

1 x SCOTT: 2947

Liberation of Ukraine

1 x SCOTT: 2948-50

Poets Lermontov, Tarchany, Belinski

1 x SCOTT: 2951

October Revolution

1 x SCOTT: 2952-57

Scientists, Astronauts, Earth

1 x SCOTT: 2960-61

Lenin's Sister, Wife

1 x SCOTT: 2962

Mongolian Republic, Sheep

1 x SCOTT: 2963-67

Mushrooms on Ordinary Paper

1 x SCOTT: 2968

Producer Dovzhenko, Movie

1 x SCOTT: 2969

New Years, Rose

1 x SCOTT: 2970 '64

Scientist von Struve Portrait - Issued November 30

1 x SCOTT: 2972

Painter Ivanov, Skiers

1 x SCOTT: 2973-74

Chemical Industry, Fertilizer

1 x SCOTT: 2975-79

Wild Berries

1 x SCOTT: 2980

Academy of Science Library

1 x SCOTT: 2981

Congressional Palace

1 x SCOTT: 2982-84

Mountain Views

1 x SCOTT: 2985-86

Michelangelo, Galileo

1 x SCOTT: 2987-91

Kremlin Treasury, Jewels

1 x SCOTT: 2941

This number not utilized by Scott.

1 x SCOTT: 2968A

6k Film Producer

1 x SCOTT: 2849-51

These numbers not utilized by Scott.

1 x SCOTT: 2879-82

These numbers not utilized by Scott.

1 x SCOTT: 2958-59

These numbers not utilized by Scott.

Type: NH

Country: RUSSIA

Year: YS

Scott Catalogue: 1964 BASIC