The "FLYING WINDMILL" DIE CUT ERROR on the 2005 Windmill Booklet Stamp is shown above. Because the die cut error is difficult


The "FLYING WINDMILL" DIE CUT ERROR on the 2005 Windmill Booklet Stamp is shown above. Because the die cut error is difficult to see in a scan, we have shown the die cut lines in black. Not many error stamps are known from the Netherlands. This one is a particular treat as Windmills are a popular topic here and abroad. The Die Cut is so shifted that the €0.39 Denomination is at the bottom of the stamp instead of the top. And the bottom 3 stamps have NO denomination at all! We offer this surprising error in three formats: A) Single Stamp with the Flying Windmill error B) A Vertical Pair with the Flying Windmill Error on top and a Stamp with NO Denomination on the bottom and C) The Complete Sheetlet of 10 as shown above.

Type: NH