1 x
SCOTT: 1505 M/SSoccer Players MiniSheet of 6
1 x
SCOTT: 1508 M/SSeptember Revolution MiniSheet of 16
1 x
SCOTT: 1509Scouts Strip (Butterfly, Deer, Cat, etc)
1 x
SCOTT: 1519-21Demonstration, Flags, Fire
1 x
SCOTT: 1522-24Union Arab Bees and Flowers
1 x
SCOTT: 1528 M/SItalians Deported MiniSheet of 16
1 x
SCOTT: 1529 M/SMusican Instruments MiniSheet of 16
1 x
SCOTT: 1533 M/SPrehistoric Animals MiniSheet of 16
1 x
SCOTT: 1534 S/SPrehistoric Animals Sheet
1 x
SCOTT: 1535Children's Day Strip (Dino, Elephant, Turtle, Mushroom, Soccer, Pterydactl)
1 x
SCOTT: 15368 Years of Intifada Strip of 3
1 x
SCOTT: 15109 Years of American Aggression Strip
1 x
SCOTT: 1518 M/SCity of Ghadames MiniSheet of 16