1 x
SCOTT: 1056-58Customs Cooperation Council
1 x
SCOTT: 1059Battle of Ghaser Ahmed Pair
1 x
SCOTT: 1060Battle of Sidi Abuarghub Pair
1 x
SCOTT: 1061Battle of Ghar Yunes Pair
1 x
SCOTT: 1104-06Pan-African Economic Committee
1 x
SCOTT: 1063Battle of Sidi Sajeh Pair
1 x
SCOTT: 1117-18 S/SLos Angeles Olympics Sheet
1 x
SCOTT: 1064Battle of Ras El-Hamam Pair
1 x
SCOTT: 1065Battle of Zawiet Ishghefa Pair
1 x
SCOTT: 1066Battle of Wadi Essania Pair
1 x
SCOTT: 1129African Youth Sports Strip
1 x
SCOTT: 1067Battle of El-Meshiashta Pair
1 x
SCOTT: 1071-82These numbers not utilized by Scott.