SCOTT: 756//80 IND


Korean, UN Organization Flags Individual Stamps


Instead of $411.01

Price on Request

Pack content

1 x SCOTT: 1061 S/S

Butterflies Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 1062

Olympic Games

1 x SCOTT: 1067 S/S

Fish Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 1068-71

Queen Mother

1 x SCOTT: B1-2

Hurricane Hugo

1 x SCOTT: B3

Volcano Relief

1 x SCOTT: 1087-90

90c-$5 Birds

1 x SCOTT: 1091 M/S

Birds MiniSheet of 6

1 x SCOTT: 1092 S/S

Bird Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 1093-96

Summer Olympics

1 x SCOTT: 1104 M/S

Fish MiniSheet of 4

1 x SCOTT: ZES 166 S/S

Cooking Sheet

1 x SCOTT: ZES 167-70

Stamp World London

1 x SCOTT: ZES 170a S/S

Stamp World Sheet

1 x SCOTT: ZES 171-72

Queen Mother


5/07 all @ $2/CI £ 11/2 all up 10%

1 x SCOTT: ZES 173-76

Poisonous Plants

1 x SCOTT: 123-25

Tonsay Lake

1 x SCOTT: 126-28


1 x SCOTT: 129-31


1 x SCOTT: 132-34

Black-billed Magpie, Birds

1 x SCOTT: 138-40

Prince Norodom Sihanouk

1 x SCOTT: 141-43

Woman Weaver

1 x SCOTT: 144-45

Indo-China Conference

1 x SCOTT: 146-48

Communication Equipment

1 x SCOTT: 149-51

Cotton Plant

1 x SCOTT: 152-56

Preah Ko Temple

1 x SCOTT: 157-59

WHO Headquarters

1 x SCOTT: 160-62

Tree Planting

1 x SCOTT: 163-64


1 x SCOTT: 165-68

Wrestlers, et al

1 x SCOTT: 169-71

Wild Boar, Elephant

1 x SCOTT: 172-76

Tourism Year Overprints

1 x SCOTT: 177

Srei Temple Millennium

1 x SCOTT: 183-84

Literacy Day Surcharges

1 x SCOTT: 185-87

Symbolic Water Cycle

1 x SCOTT: 188-90

Royal University

1 x SCOTT: 191-92

Vaccination and WHO Emblem

1 x SCOTT: 199-00

Prince Norodom Sihanouk

1 x SCOTT: 204-06

ILO Emblem

1 x SCOTT: 210-12


1 x SCOTT: 213-16

Diesel Engine

1 x SCOTT: 220-23


1 x SCOTT: 224-27

UPU Headquarters

1 x SCOTT: 231-33


1 x SCOTT: 231a

3F with Languages Transposed

1 x SCOTT: 234-36

Elephant God

1 x SCOTT: 243-45

Language Expert Chuon-Nath

1 x SCOTT: 246-48

Soldiers in Battle

1 x SCOTT: 249-51

UN Men of Four Races

1 x SCOTT: 252-54

General Post Office

1 x SCOTT: 255-58

Symbolic Globe

1 x SCOTT: 259-62

Wild Flowers

Type: NH

Country: KOREA - SOUTH

Year: 1971

Scott Catalogue: 756//80 IND