SCOTT: 3117


Scientist Barbanera

This product is no longer in stock


Instead of $386.15

Pack content

1 x SCOTT: 191b

40c Deep brown - 4 Sided Syncopated Perfs

1 x SCOTT: 192a

50c Blue green - 4 Sided Syncopated Perfs

1 x SCOTT: 193a

60c Black - 4 Sided Syncopated Perfs

1 x SCOTT: 164b-192b

Type C - Corner Perfs

1 x SCOTT: 164b

½c Gray - Corner Synocopated Perfs

1 x SCOTT: 583 var

Verkade with NEDERLAND omitted

1 x SCOTT: 584

Utrecht Union

1 x SCOTT: 585

European Meeting

1 x SCOTT: 586

Queen's Birthday

Type: NH

Country: ITALY

Year: 2012

Scott Catalogue: 3117