6d Green

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Pack content

1 x SCOTT: 2467-70 S/S

Trains Sheets

1 x SCOTT: 2476 M/S

Writer von Schiller MiniSheet

1 x SCOTT: 2477 S/S

von Schiller and Brahms Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 2463-70 UNT

Trains (3v+M/S+4 S/S)

1 x SCOTT: 2471-75

Buses and Trucks

1 x SCOTT: 2478 M/S

World Cup Soccer MiniSheet of 4

1 x SCOTT: 2490-95 M/S

Basketball Players MiniSheets of 10

1 x SCOTT: 2496-98 M/S

Elvis MiniSheets

1 x SCOTT: 2499-03

Physics Year

1 x SCOTT: 2504

Pope John Paul II

1 x SCOTT: 2504 M/S

Pope MiniSheet of 4

1 x SCOTT: 2505-08

Battle of Trafalgar

1 x SCOTT: 2509 S/S

Trafalgar Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 2510 M/S

Jules Verne MiniSheet of 4

1 x SCOTT: 2511 S/S

Jules Verne Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 2512-21

World Cup Soccer

1 x SCOTT: 2522-23 M/S

World Cup Soccer MiniSheets of 8

1 x SCOTT: 2524

This number not utilized by Scott.

1 x SCOTT: 2525

Bananas - Musa Sapeintum

1 x SCOTT: 2526

This number not utilized by Scott.

1 x SCOTT: 2527

This number not utilized by Scott.

1 x SCOTT: 2528


1 x SCOTT: 2529

This number not utilized by Scott.

1 x SCOTT: 2530-33

Monkeys Surcharged

1 x SCOTT: 2534-38

FAO Anniversary Surcharged

1 x SCOTT: 2539-44

Antelopes Surcharged

1 x SCOTT: 2545-47

Red Cross, Red Crescent Surcharged

1 x SCOTT: 2548-50

Civil Aviation Surcharged

1 x SCOTT: 2551-58

Fertility Dolls Surcharged

1 x SCOTT: 2559-61

Civil Aviation Surcharged

1 x SCOTT: C7-8

15pa,24pa Surcharges on Birds - please see 216-26.

1 x SCOTT: C3-4

Ships in Tema Harbor, Jet - please see 110.

1 x SCOTT: 186-88 M/S

Quiet Sun Year Decorative MiniSheets of 12

1 x SCOTT: 305-07 M/S

Space Decorative MiniSheets of 12

1 x SCOTT: 308-10 M/S

Scouts Decorative MiniSheets of 12

1 x SCOTT: 323-26 M/S

Cocoa Decorative MiniSheets of 12

Type: USED


Year: 1886

Scott Catalogue: O28