6Pf+4Pf Die Meistersinger, Perf 3½x13

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Instead of $447.26

Pack content

1 x SCOTT: 12-17

10d-500d First Definitives - Music, Arms, Castles

1 x SCOTT: 20a

10,000d, Perf 12½

1 x SCOTT: 26 INV

9000d Election Inverted Overprint

1 x SCOTT: 27

NVI 'A' Bird

1 x SCOTT: 29

King Peter

1 x SCOTT: 29 M/S

King Peter MiniSheet of 8 with Label

1 x SCOTT: 33

Mary and Child

1 x SCOTT: 33 M/S

Mary and Child MiniSheet of 8 with Label

1 x SCOTT: 35a

40d Surcharge, Perf 12½

1 x SCOTT: "36a"

2d Surcharge, Perf 12½

1 x SCOTT: 37

Tavna Monastery

1 x SCOTT: 38

Mostanica Monastery

1 x SCOTT: 38

Mostanica Monastery

1 x SCOTT: 39

Zito Monastery

1 x SCOTT: 39 TAB

Zito plus Tab

1 x No Stamps Issued.

No Stamps Issued.

1 x SCOTT: 40 M/S

Flower, Flora MiniSheet of 24 plus Tab

1 x SCOTT: 46-50+F10

Scene Definitives with Registration Stamp

1 x SCOTT: 104-05 M/S

Flowers MiniSheets of 8

1 x SCOTT: 680

Poet Siamanto

Type: H

Country: GERMANY

Year: 1933

Scott Catalogue: B52