SCOTT: 3798a BP


Year of the Tiger Pane of 10

This product is no longer in stock


Instead of $3,097.57

Pack content

1 x SCOTT: 4302 S/S

Constitution Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 4303

Bulgarian "Dream"

1 x SCOTT: 4304 S/S

Salvatore Dali Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 4305-06

Art Culture

1 x SCOTT: 4307-08

Europa - Vacations

1 x SCOTT: 4308a BK

Europa Booklet of 8 

1 x SCOTT: 4309

Soccer Legends Block of 4

1 x SCOTT: 4311

Bulgaria - Austria Diplomacy

1 x SCOTT: 4312

Ministry, Lion Statue

1 x SCOTT: 4313 S/S

The Post Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 4314 S/S

Ecology Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 4315-18

Athens Olympics

1 x SCOTT: 4323


1 x SCOTT: 4328 S/S

Mushrooms Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 4329

WWF - Sturgeon Strip of 4

1 x SCOTT: 4329

WWF - Sturgeon Strip of 4

1 x SCOTT: 4329 M/S

WWF MiniSheet of 16

1 x SCOTT: 4324-27

Founding Bulgarians, V

1 x SCOTT: 4330


1 x SCOTT: 4331 S/S

Ministerial Council Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 4329 BK

WWF Booklet of 8 (scarce)

1 x SCOTT: B1-10

2s-3L Surcharges

1 x SCOTT: B1-10

2s-3L Surcharges

1 x SCOTT: 4333


1 x SCOTT: 4335 S/S

Exarchate Anniversary Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 4336

Volunteers for Europe

1 x SCOTT: 4337


1 x SCOTT: 667-70 M/S

Akihito MiniSheets of 20

1 x SCOTT: 759-61


1 x SCOTT: "650c" '04 ("651c")

10c, Perf 11¼, Dated 2004 with Shiny Gum

1 x SCOTT: "650d" '04 ("651d")

10c, Perf 11¼, Dated 2004 with Matte Gum

1 x SCOTT: 762-64

Town Coat of Arms

1 x SCOTT: 765

Vilnius Anniversary

1 x SCOTT: 766-67

Europa - Vacations

1 x SCOTT: 766-67 M/S

Europa MiniSheets of 10 

1 x SCOTT: 768

Press Anniversary

1 x SCOTT: 769

Joining the European Union (our choice of pair)

1 x SCOTT: 770

FIFA Anniversary

1 x SCOTT: 771

Diplomat Suhikara

1 x SCOTT: 769 M/S

EU MiniSheet of 10

1 x SCOTT: 772 S/S

1000 Years of Lithuania

1 x SCOTT: 773

Eagle, Iguana

1 x SCOTT: 773 S/S

Decorative Special Sheet of 10 Sets with varying Labels and Tabs

1 x SCOTT: 774-75

Athens Olympics

1 x SCOTT: 776-77


1 x SCOTT: 774-75 F/S

Olympics Sheets of 25 with Marginal Ornaments

1 x SCOTT: 776-77 M/S

Owls MiniSheets of 10

1 x SCOTT: 778-79

Cable Cars

1 x SCOTT: 778-79 F/S

Cars Sheets of 25 with Marginal Ornaments

1 x SCOTT: 780-81

Christmas, New Year

1 x SCOTT: 782-84

Famous Lithuanians

1 x SCOTT: 785-86

Flowers, Self-adhesive

1 x SCOTT: 787

Sartai Horse Racing on Ice

1 x SCOTT: 788-89

Coats of Arms

1 x SCOTT: 790-91

Europa - Cooking

1 x SCOTT: 790-91 M/S

Europa MiniSheets of 10 

1 x SCOTT: 792

National Museum Pair

1 x SCOTT: 782-84 MI

Lithuanians with Marginal Name Inscription

1 x SCOTT: 787 MIS

Horse Race Strip of 3 with 100th Anniversary Marginal Inscription

1 x SCOTT: 805-07


1 x SCOTT: 887-89

Coats of Arms inc Windmill

1 x SCOTT: 853,854,856 RP '09

Churches Inscribed 2009

1 x SCOTT: 826a,827a

Church Belfries Inscribed 2009

1 x SCOTT: 930 M/S

State Medal MiniSheet of 10

1 x SCOTT: 1015

Poet Donelaitis

1 x SCOTT: 4307-08 M/S

Europa - Vacations MiniSheets of 10 

1 x SCOTT: 6695-99 M/S

St. Petersburg MiniSheets of 10

1 x SCOTT: L79-83

Marine Life

1 x SCOTT: L84-88

Penguins, Map of Antarctica

1 x SCOTT: L89-93

Through the Lens inc Penguins, Whales, Seals

1 x SCOTT: L89-93

Through the Lens inc Penguins, Whales, Seals

1 x SCOTT: L89-93 LIM S/S

Through the Lens inc Penguins, Whales, Seals Limited Edition Sheet

1 x SCOTT: L93 CS

$2 Through the Lens Minke Whales Color Separation Strip of 5

1 x SCOTT: 1003 S/S

Christmas Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 1004

Flowers plus Label

1 x SCOTT: 1004 M/S

Flowers Personalized Sheetlet of 10

1 x SCOTT: 1006 S/S

WWF - Fish Sheet - First Print without Graphic Artist inscriptions under Fish Names

1 x By error, the original printing of this Sheet omitted the Graphic Artist's name and was quickly replaced by the reprint listed

By error, the original printing of this Sheet omitted the Graphic Artist's name and was quickly replaced by the reprint listed below which does contain the Artist's name prominently. Only about 21,000 S/S were produced of the first printing.

1 x SCOTT: 1006a S/S

WWF - Fish Sheet - Second Print with Graphic Artist inscriptions under Fish Names

1 x SCOTT: 1005 S/S

Longest Beetle Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 1007-10

Land Snails

1 x SCOTT: 1012-15

Reef Shrimp

1 x SCOTT: 1016-19

Shore Birds

1 x SCOTT: 1028 S/S

Coconut Crab Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 1011

18c Island Thrush

1 x SCOTT: 1011

18c Island Thrush

1 x SCOTT: 1020-23

Olympic Games

1 x SCOTT: 1027a S/S

Race Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 1029-32

Insect Life Stages

1 x SCOTT: 1033-36


1 x SCOTT: 1037

Birds Strip of 4

1 x SCOTT: 805a-j,805k

Sheet cut in half resulting in Blocks of 10, Block of 1

1 x SCOTT: 347

6a Starling

1 x SCOTT: 348

7a Widow Bird

1 x SCOTT: 349

10a Kingfischer

1 x SCOTT: 350

12.50a Shrike

1 x SCOTT: 351

15a Starling

1 x SCOTT: 352

20a Hornbill

1 x SCOTT: 353

25a Starling

1 x SCOTT: 354

30a Shike

1 x SCOTT: 355

40a Secretary Bird

1 x SCOTT: 356

50a Lovebird

1 x SCOTT: 357

Holy Year Extension

1 x SCOTT: 357

Holy Year Extension

1 x SCOTT: 358

Medical Congress

1 x SCOTT: 359-61

Missionary Art

1 x SCOTT: 1279

WWF - Colobus (our choice of format)

1 x SCOTT: 1279 M/S

WWF - Colobus MiniSheet of 16

1 x SCOTT: 1326 S/S

Waterfalls Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 2294 S/S

WWF - Parrotfish Limited Edition Sheet of 1

1 x SCOTT: 2294 S/S

WWF - Parrotfish Imperforate Limited Edition Sheet of 1

1 x SCOTT: 2294 IMP

WWF - Parrotfish Imperforate Set of 4

1 x SCOTT: 2294 IMP M/S

WWF - Parrotfish Imperforate MiniSheet of 16

1 x SCOTT: 1202a S/S

Europa Anniversary Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 1202a S/S

Europa Anniversary Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 1173-76

Whale Shark

1 x SCOTT: 1177-80

Wooly Opossum - WWF

1 x SCOTT: 1177-80 M/S

WWF MiniSheets of 10

1 x SCOTT: 1181

10c on 50c Antelope

1 x SCOTT: 312-24

½c-$5 Animals Overprint

1 x SCOTT: 312-24

½c-$5 Animals Overprint

1 x SCOTT: 325-26

Princess Anne's Wedding

1 x SCOTT: 1209-12

Medicinal Plants

1 x SCOTT: 1213-19

50m-250m Surcharges

1 x SCOTT: 1220-23

Lizards, Snakes, PHILAKOREA

1 x SCOTT: 1224 S/S

Snake, Lizard, PHILAKOREA Sheet

1 x SCOTT: 1225-28

ICAO, Airplanes, Airport, Crop Dusting

1 x SCOTT: 1229

Food Day, Lubrapex

1 x SCOTT: 1230


1 x SCOTT: 1231-34


1 x SCOTT: 1235

Lusaka Accord

1 x SCOTT: 1236-39


1 x SCOTT: 1240-43

Traditional Women's Clothing

1 x SCOTT: 1244

President, Arms, Flag Strip of 3

1 x SCOTT: 1245-48

Wild Animals

1 x SCOTT: 1249

FAO Anniversary

1 x SCOTT: 1250

UN Anniversary, Map

1 x SCOTT: 1251-53,1254-58

250m-2500m Surcharges

1 x SCOTT: 1259

UNICEF Anniversary

1 x SCOTT: 1260-63


1 x SCOTT: 1264-67


1 x SCOTT: 1268

Red Cross

1 x SCOTT: 1269-72

Endangered Wildlife

1 x SCOTT: 1273-76

Land Mine Removal

1 x SCOTT: 1277

Keep City Clean

1 x SCOTT: 1278

Postage Stamps

1 x SCOTT: 1306-08 M/S

Diana 3 MiniSheets of 9

1 x SCOTT: B1-18

War Victims - Nurse, Veterans, "History"

1 x SCOTT: C1-9

10c-10e First Airs, Planes

1 x SCOTT: C11-15

3e on 5e (C7) Surcharge

1 x SCOTT: C16-23

1.20e-3e Plane

1 x SCOTT: C24-28

50c-50e Planes Circking Globe

1 x SCOTT: C29-34

1.50e-20e Aerial Scenes inc Refinery, Harbor

1 x SCOTT: C29-34

1.50e-20e Aerial Scenes inc Refinery, Harbor

1 x SCOTT: C35-38

3.50e-20e with INDEPENDENCI Overprint

1 x SCOTT: C39-44

50c-12.5m Classic Planes

1 x SCOTT: C45-50

20m-320m More Classic Planes

1 x SCOTT: J1-10

5r-500r Numeral in Reis Dues

1 x SCOTT: J11-20

5r-500r with Serif REPUBLICA Overprint Dues

1 x SCOTT: J21-30

5r-500r with Sans-Serif REPUBLICA Overprint Dues

1 x SCOTT: J31-33

1c,5c PORTEADO on War Tax

1 x SCOTT: 725 IMP

Andreescu Painting Imperf

1 x SCOTT: 725 IMP

Andreescu Painting Imperf

1 x SCOTT: 727-28


1 x SCOTT: 727-28


1 x SCOTT: 727 IMP

Industry Imperf

1 x SCOTT: 727 IMP

Industry Imperf

1 x SCOTT: 729

Labor Day

1 x SCOTT: 729

Labor Day

1 x SCOTT: 745-47

Young Pioneers

1 x SCOTT: 1311

Immigration and Emigration

1 x SCOTT: 1312-14

Traditional Dancer

1 x SCOTT: 1315

Buddhist Congress

1 x SCOTT: 1316

Minister Thondaman

1 x SCOTT: 1317-19

Famous People

1 x SCOTT: 1320-21


1 x SCOTT: 1322

Politician Athulathmudali

1 x SCOTT: 1323

Alternative Medicine

1 x SCOTT: 1324

Ladies' College

1 x SCOTT: 1325


1 x SCOTT: 1326

Vidyalankara Pirivena

1 x SCOTT: 1327

Bishop's College

1 x SCOTT: 1328

St. Thomas' College

1 x SCOTT: 1329

Women's Training Society

1 x SCOTT: 1330

Air Force

1 x SCOTT: 1331

St. Lawrence's School

1 x SCOTT: 1296

Butterflies Coil Strip of 3

1 x SCOTT: 1293

Antiques Pair

Type: NH


Year: 2010

Scott Catalogue: 3798a BP