YEAR SET: 1990-1999




Instead of $1,386.75

Price on Request

Pack content

1 x SCOTT: 853

Oruro Technical University

1 x SCOTT: 859-65

Fauna, Events

1 x SCOTT: 870

First Brazilian Stamp

1 x SCOTT: 891-99

Archaeological Finds

1 x SCOTT: 900-01

America Issue

1 x SCOTT: 920

San Borja

1 x SCOTT: 924-29

Environmental Protection

1 x SCOTT: 939-40


1 x SCOTT: 3v

The Pope, Mother Theresa

1 x SCOTT: 837

Simon Bolivar

1 x SCOTT: 838


1 x SCOTT: 839-41 '91


1 x SCOTT: 842-44

Pacific Ocean Access

1 x SCOTT: 845-46

Seville Expo '92

1 x SCOTT: 847

Rotary Club

1 x SCOTT: 848

Professor Perez

1 x SCOTT: 849

Government Palace

1 x SCOTT: 850

Los Tiempos Newspaper

1 x SCOTT: 851

'92 Summer Olympics - Tennis

1 x SCOTT: 851A

Whitewater Canoe Regatta

1 x SCOTT: 852

'94 World Cup Soccer

1 x SCOTT: 854

Agricultural Cooperation

1 x SCOTT: 855-56

Discovery of America

1 x SCOTT: 857

Battle of Ingavi

1 x SCOTT: 858

12th Bolivian Games

1 x SCOTT: 865A-C


1 x SCOTT: 866-67

Astronomer Copernicus

1 x SCOTT: 868

Mother Nazaria

1 x SCOTT: 869

12th Bolivar Games

1 x SCOTT: 871


1 x SCOTT: 872

City of Quillacollo

1 x SCOTT: 873

Industrial School

1 x SCOTT: 889a M/S

Butterflies MiniSheet of 16

1 x SCOTT: 890

Pan-American Health Organization

1 x SCOTT: 901A-D

Famous People

1 x SCOTT: 901E-G


1 x SCOTT: 902

Town of Riberalta

1 x SCOTT: 903

World Population Day

1 x SCOTT: 904-05

President de Lozada

1 x SCOTT: 906-12

World Cup Soccer Championships

1 x SCOTT: 913

SOS Children's Village

1 x SCOTT: 914-16

Churches, Priests

1 x SCOTT: 917

President Estenssoro

1 x SCOTT: 918


1 x SCOTT: 919

Battle of Ft. Boqueron

1 x SCOTT: 921-22

America Issue

1 x SCOTT: 923

Solar Eclipse

1 x SCOTT: 930-31

General de Sucre

1 x SCOTT: 933-35 '94


1 x SCOTT: 936 '94

Pan-American Scout Jamboree

1 x SCOTT: 937-38

Cathedral of St. Anne

1 x SCOTT: 941


1 x SCOTT: 942

Andes Development Corporation

1 x SCOTT: 943

"Nationalism and the Colonial Age"

1 x SCOTT: 944


1 x SCOTT: 945

UN Anniversary

1 x SCOTT: 946-47

America Issue

1 x SCOTT: 948


1 x SCOTT: 949

Archeology Block

1 x SCOTT: 950

Taquina Brewery

1 x SCOTT: 951-53


1 x SCOTT: 954-55

National Anthem

1 x SCOTT: 956-57

Indian Labor Abuse Pair

1 x SCOTT: 958-71

50c-20b Surcharges

1 x SCOTT: 972

60c on 2.50b Surcharge

1 x SCOTT: 973-74

Chiefs and Government Summit

1 x SCOTT: 975-76


1 x SCOTT: 977-78

Sustaining Development

1 x SCOTT: 979-80

CARE in Bolivia

1 x SCOTT: 981-82

National Symphony Orchestra

1 x SCOTT: 983-88

Tourism in Oruro

1 x SCOTT: 989-94

Tourism in Chuquisaca

1 x SCOTT: 995-00

Tourism in Tarija

1 x SCOTT: 1001

Jacques Chirac

1 x SCOTT: 1002-03

Salesian Order

1 x SCOTT: 1004-07


1 x SCOTT: 1008-13

Department of La Paz

1 x SCOTT: 1014-15

World Cup Soccer

1 x SCOTT: 1016

National Congress

1 x SCOTT: 1017-18

America Issue

1 x SCOTT: 1019


1 x SCOTT: 1020-22


1 x SCOTT: 1023-24

Diana, Mine Field

1 x SCOTT: 1025

Prime Minister Visit

1 x SCOTT: 1026

Bolivian Society of Engineers

1 x SCOTT: 1027


1 x SCOTT: 1028-29

America Issue

1 x SCOTT: 1030-32

Famous Men inc Music

1 x SCOTT: 1033-38

Regions in Bolivia, black

1 x SCOTT: 1039-44

Regions in Bolivia, green

1 x SCOTT: 1045-46

Women of Bolivia

1 x SCOTT: 1047

City of La Paz

1 x SCOTT: 1048

Organization of American States

1 x SCOTT: 1049

Philatelic Federation

1 x SCOTT: 1050-52


1 x SCOTT: 1053


1 x SCOTT: 1054

AFC Soccer Club

1 x SCOTT: 1055

Convention, Red Cross

1 x SCOTT: 1056

Mt. Everest

1 x SCOTT: 1057-58

Special Olympics

1 x SCOTT: 1059-60

Japanese Immigration

1 x SCOTT: 1061-68

Bolivian Cinema

1 x SCOTT: 1069

SOS Children's Village

1 x SCOTT: 1070

Against Illegal Drugs

1 x SCOTT: 1071-72

Gas Pipeline

1 x SCOTT: 1073

La Paz Lions Club

1 x SCOTT: 1074-79

Cochabamba Tourism

1 x SCOTT: 1080-85

Potosi Tourism

1 x SCOTT: 1086-87

UPAEP - New Millennium

1 x SCOTT: 1088-90


Type: NH

Country: BOLIVIA

Year: YS

Scott Catalogue: 1990-1999