YEAR SET: L90-93



This product is no longer in stock


Instead of $112.31

Pack content

1 x SCOTT: "545a" ERR

9F with Denomination Missing

1 x SCOTT: "546a" ERR

18F with Denomination Missing

1 x SCOTT: 546-50

Anti-War Propaganda

1 x SCOTT: 49a

Imperf Pair

1 x SCOTT: 743-45+C709-11

von Holmboldt, News, with Airs

1 x SCOTT: 748-50

25c,30c,40c Post Office Additional Values

1 x SCOTT: 751-53+C712-14

Newspaper with Airs

1 x SCOTT: 754-57+C715-20

National Pantheon with Airs

1 x SCOTT: 758-63+C721-34

Pantheon + Airs

1 x SCOTT: 764-66+C735-37

Poet Blanco with Airs

1 x SCOTT: 767-69+C738-40

Independence with Airs

1 x SCOTT: 770-72+C741-43

Oil Drilling with Airs

1 x SCOTT: 773-75+C744-46

Luisa de Arismendo with Airs

1 x SCOTT: 776-78+C747-49

General Anzoategui with Airs

1 x SCOTT: 779-81+C750-52

General Antonio de Sucre with Airs

1 x SCOTT: 782-84+C753-55

Mountain, Falls, Caves with Airs

1 x SCOTT: 725 M/S

55c Fish MiniSheet with 1984 Olympics Overprint

1 x SCOTT: O1-6

First Officials

1 x SCOTT: 425 '83

10c on 35c Map

1 x SCOTT: 246-62

½d-5sh 14½mm Overprint

1 x SCOTT: 3406-07 M/S

Buildings (Joint issue with Spain) MiniSheets of 16 with Pictorial Center Margin

Type: NH


Year: 1994

Scott Catalogue: L90-93